Monday, November 1, 2010

And so it begins

I'm wondering why I'm doing this. I don't have time to blog, nor do I think anyone has much to benefit from reading my blog besides an occasional laugh or bemused expression. I'm ok with both of those outcomes though so I guess it's worth it.

At any rate, the point of this blog is to write one new thing I learn each day. Every day. I mean, being in college gets you more than your fair share of new information, but I want to pay more attention to the life changing things I learn, the ones I should remember and consider more than I do now. Sometimes the things I learn aren't necessarily that important. Like this morning I learned/realized I'm an idiot when I make toast. I always wondered why my roomate's toaster would always burn my toast, and then I saw that the dial that determines how long the toast is in for was turned all the way to 10 and I thought it was a 1. I have been killing my toast out of stupidity. Sad morning, yet I'm glad this senseless massacre is at it's end.

I hate writing pilot posts. I think they ruin the idea. Like pilot tv shows. Sometimes they work really great but often they're so jam packed with background information and trying-too-hard-ness, they're lame and don't represent the show at all. We should all just get to know our characters as they are at the moment rather than how they became that way. That stuff can come later. At any rate, the point is, ignore this post (except for the toast part) and just watch the season from the second episode. :]

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