Sometimes I ask myself why I'm doing something. Like, "Liz, why the hell are you eating nutella straight from the jar? You've eaten half of it!" to which I answer, "why not? it's delicious!". I'm writing this blog because it's delicious.
Naturally, there are some things you probably shouldn't do. And asking yourself why you are doing something is a great practice for many reasons. Writing off your actions as if they don't matter by simply accepting them is quite silly and won't get you anywhere.
But now, I find myself starting this blog again while my head screams "Liz you don't have time for a blog. And frankly my dear, people won't give a damn about what you have to say". That's probably true. And adapting movie quotations to my own situation, is honestly not that amusing. And yet I find myself saying "why not?".
This blog is a typical blog. An arena for my musings which may be clever at times and may be deep at times, but will most often not be. I'm not trying to be brilliant. I'm not trying to make sure I never contradict myself or that my posts are always perfect and well-researched and scholarly. I will not guarantee my opinions will remain the same or that they will make any sense or that they are philosophically sound. And all of that is ok. So often we concentrate on the end result of what we do. I'm not doing this blog for a mass of followers hanging on my every word, but for the experience. Because maybe if I write all the things that go on in my head in a public place, I'll learn something. Or maybe I won't. But I will experience it regardless.
Read if you want. Write if you want. But above all, I hope you get something out of the experience.