Excellent question.
My name is Liz. I'm from New York. No, not the city, the state... A very small town surrounded by dairy farms. In general, I'm pretty intelligent, but I do some stupid things. I like to eat healthy, but I love eating basically everything which is problematic. I love biking, but not in the cold. I'm a psychology major and love it, but hate many of it's theories. I'm pretty reserved except sometimes I'm not. I'm pretty tidy except when I have to do laundry. I hate painting my nails and wearing make-up, but sometimes it's ok. I'm pretty scholarly except when I don't do my homework to work on a project like this one. A lot of people say "I wish I was as motivated as you Liz!" which is great until I realized I don't have many close friends and everyone who wants to be me, does. I'm great at getting people to let me in, but horrible at opening my own doors. That being said, as far as physical doors go, I can open those myself and don't need a man to do it (unless they open doors for men as well. Long story. Maybe I'll blog about my feminist ways sometime). I hate it when the bottoms of my socks get wet, unless I do it on purpose. I'm really easy going but not when it comes to myself.
The thing is, I could give a list of my "characteristics" or tell you I'm an INFP but those would not adequately describe who I am and they wouldn't describe who you are either. If I could give some definitive answer to the question "who are you?" I would be very sad. Because I don't plan on staying the same for the rest of my life.